Outside the Wire | Film Review
**Contains Spoilers*
Drone pilot, Harper, disobeys a direct order and eliminates a threat, resulting in the death of 2 American soldiers. Although he saved 38 people, his insubordination must be addressed. He is sent back to training under Captain Leo.
Upon arrival Leo tells Harper they are off to a mission and as he’s getting dressed Leo takes off his shirt. To our surprise Leo is a cyborg living in a human sleeve but his identity is classified. The movie is set in 2036 and it is normal to have robot soldiers but what is unique here is that Leo appears human, physically and emotionally.
Leo has strong human characteristics: emotions, displays humor, and he understands human behavior. It’s ironic because Harper makes calculated decisions as if he is a machine and Leo is a machine that thinks with the greater good in mind. Leo convinces Harper to help him find and kill Koval, a Russian spy. Koval has access to nuclear weapons that would pose a threat to America.
Ultimately Leo goes rogue and breaks the law under Harper’s name. Leo wants to steal the nuclear weapons and go through with the attack on US soil. He believes this will save humanity in the long run. But what does he know about humanity right? Leo and Harper are both products of the U.S. military. Instead of exploring how their experiences can help one another, the film focuses on their differences. The ending is pretty straightforward and predictable. The movie had all the making of an action film but the plot fell short. I was thrilled to see how these two actors work together but I wish the story was better written.
